paranoid, noun: extremely fearful
Yesterday the monkey and I were enjoying a peaceful afternoon snack in the kitchen, when a wasp flew over our heads and landed on the window, behind the blinds. After a moment of panic, I picked up the monkey and called the dog to come hide with us in the sunroom. My husband was golfing with our neighbor, and I had worst case scenarios of wasp sting allergies going through my mind. I don't think I'm allergic but I kept imagining being stung and then collapsing on the floor leaving the monkey unattended. I know, I know, I'm paranoid. I hide in the basement all day if there's a tornado watch issued.
I went to another neighbor's house and he was kind enough to come over and kill the offending wasp for us while we cowered in the sunroom. Stupid hymenopterous insects.
I think everyone is paranoid about something. And I have noticed I get more paranoid when I have PMS!