Wednesday, July 1, 2009


respite, noun: a period of temporary delay

We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging. Or our irregulary unscheduled blogging, whichever you like.

respite, noun: an interval of rest or relief

We spent last week on vacation with my family in North Carolina. My parents rented a lovely house on the beach, and my siblings and I and our offspring all stayed together for the week. It was divine.


  1. I wondered where you were - now it is my turn for a respite - to New England.

  2. Oooh fun. I didn't want to alert the cybercriminals that I'd be out of town, so I didn't say I was going on vacation before I left. I watch too much Today Show.

  3. You are wise--I think I have broadcasted my vacation via Twitter, Facebook, my blog, etc. I guess if they are going to rob me, they will.
