Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Perfect Storm

perfect storm, noun:  a critical or disastrous situation created by a powerful concurrence of factors

I had to take the little man in for his nine month checkup today, which was fortuitous because I wanted to have his chest cold checked on and this way I didn't have to pay an extra $80 for that.  It turns out he has a double ear infection!  I feel bad for him but there's not much I can do besides keep him warm and give him his medicine until he feels better.  Luckily, the doctor was able to give me some ear drops to relieve the pain.  I gave him some of those and put him down for a nap.  He's sleeping soundly with his Metallica lullaby music and the humidifier.

When his appointment was over, I had to drive to Walgreen's to pick up the prescriptions, and while we were waiting in the drive through (thank goodness for drive-through pharmacies) my 2-year-old said "Mommy, I had an accident!"  I was almost done paying for the prescriptions, so I had to wait in the car until that was done and the poor thing had to sit in her accident until we got home.  I had to roll my window up because the baby was crying and the toddler was screaming and I didn't want everyone in the store to hear it.

I feel so much better now that the baby is sleeping, the toddler is watching tv (shhhhh, don't tell anyone!), and I am drinking my coffee and venting on here.

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