Thursday, June 18, 2009


clean, adjective: free from dirt or pollution

We're heading out on vacation soon, and I'm trying to get the house clean, the suitcases packed, and every little random thing in order before we leave. Of course this is the week the monkey decides she doesn't like naps anymore. I think (I hope) I've finally gotten her to sleep, only an hour later than normal. Let the deep cleaning begin!

Monday, June 15, 2009


paranoid, noun: extremely fearful

Yesterday the monkey and I were enjoying a peaceful afternoon snack in the kitchen, when a wasp flew over our heads and landed on the window, behind the blinds. After a moment of panic, I picked up the monkey and called the dog to come hide with us in the sunroom. My husband was golfing with our neighbor, and I had worst case scenarios of wasp sting allergies going through my mind. I don't think I'm allergic but I kept imagining being stung and then collapsing on the floor leaving the monkey unattended. I know, I know, I'm paranoid. I hide in the basement all day if there's a tornado watch issued.

I went to another neighbor's house and he was kind enough to come over and kill the offending wasp for us while we cowered in the sunroom. Stupid hymenopterous insects.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gender Bender

gender bender, noun: a person who dresses and behaves like a member of the opposite sex (date, 1980)

The child of a celebrity gets a sex change, and all of a sudden we have to be inundated with news stories about people getting sex changes, like it's something new? Who cares? Get a sex change, don't get a sex change, doesn't make much difference to me. Good grief.

p.s. In case you didn't know, Chastity Bono is getting a sex change.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


hymenopterous, adjective: any of an order of highly specialized insects that include bees, wasps, and ants.

Apparently, we have several hymenopterous insects living around our house. Ants are pretty easy to take care of. Bees don't live nearby, they just come along to pollinate our plants. It's the wasps that are driving me nuts. They have built a nest in the same spot every spring for the past three years. Yesterday I wanted to take the monkey to play in the back yard. I stepped onto the deck and what do I see? Wasps, crawling on the deck. So we turned around and went back inside. Oddly, though, their nest disappeared between yesterday and today. We can only hope that this means one less hymenopterous insect for me to worry about.


reticent, adjective: inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech

Often, when I don't know what to say, I tend to be reticent.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


toothsome, adjective: of palatable flavor and pleasing texture

I made pineapple upside down cake last night, and it was not as toothsome as I had hoped it would be. The flavor was good but the texture was mushy, bordering on soggy. My husband did not seem to mind though, because he ate two pieces.

toothsome, adjective: agreeable, attractive, sexually attractive

Well, I never knew that was one of the definitions of toothsome. I suppose one could call Brad Pitt toothsome, or the male ballet dancer who couldn't be on So You Think You Can Dance because of his contract with the Miami Ballet. What a shame. I hear rumors he'll be on next season, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for that.

And, as Lesli reminds us, Johnny Depp is ever toothsome. Happy belated birthday, Johnny Depp.


Welcome to my word of the day blog.

My husband told me that I should have a blog because I have a large vocabulary. That doesn't mean I have anything relevant or interesting to say, but I took him at his word, and here we are.

The monkey can say seven words. Hello, Daddy, Sasha, Cheese, Shoes, Thank You, and All Done. Sometimes we'll say "thank you" to each other over and over, just for practice.