Sunday, October 21, 2012

I am

I am copying this blog from Lesli.

1.  I am good at baking.  I love to try new recipes and find the right tweaks to make them just right for me.

2.  I am happy when my children are happy.  Or quiet.

3.  I am working on training for a half-marathon next year in April.

4.  I am interested in running, baking, physics, and politics.

5.  I am always over-analyzing things.

6.  I am enjoying my friends and my birthday month.

7.  I am in love with the fall weather.

8.  I am reading 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami.  It's a fascinating book and I can't wait to finish reading it, although I am making a conscious effort not to get through it too quickly.  I tend to miss good books when I am done reading them.

9.  I am concerned about the state of our country.

10.  I am looking forward to my birthday dinner at Melting Pot next week!