Monday, February 13, 2012

Mighty Girl

Mighty Girl is a blog that is new to me within the past couple of months.

Why I like Mighty Girl:
  1. Mighty Life List:  This blogger has set some lofty goals for herself.  She is very adventurous and fun loving.  There are some things on her list that I would not even want to do, and some that sound like they would be amazing.  She has inspired me to make my own life list, but it's pretty short.  One day I plan to share my list here as well.
  2. Camp Mighty:  Attending Camp Mighty is the first thing I put on my life list.  To quote from the blog, "Camp Mighty is a weekend structured around the idea of getting good at life.  We ask 150 attendees to draw up Life Lists - a list of about 100 things you'd like to do in your lifetime.  The retreat gives attendees space to think about what they want to accomplish, and a team to help them get there." One of these years, I am going to attend!
  3. Browsing Mighty Girl feels to me kind of like shopping at an antique store. The more you dig, the more interesting and whimsical things you are likely to find.

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